Chapter III
The Tribunal

Article 6
General Provisions

(1) In the absence of agreement between the parties regarding the number of arbitrators and the method of their appointment, the Tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators, one arbitrator appointed by each party and the third, who shall be the President of the Tribunal, appointed by agreement of the parties, all in accordance with Article 9 of these Rules.

(2) Upon the dispatch of the notice of registration of the request for arbitration, the parties shall promptly proceed to constitute a Tribunal.

(3) The Tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator or any uneven number of arbitrators appointed as the parties shall agree.

(4) If the Tribunal shall not have been constituted within 90 days after the notice of registration of the request for arbitration has been dispatched by the Secretary-General, or such other period as the parties may agree, the Chairman of the Administrative Council (hereinafter called the "Chairman") shall, at the request in writing of either party transmitted through the Secretary-General, appoint the arbitrator or arbitrators not yet appointed and, unless the President shall already have been designated or is to be designated later, designate an arbitrator to be President of the Tribunal.

(5) Except as the parties shall otherwise agree, no person who had previously acted as a conciliator or arbitrator in any proceeding for the settlement of the dispute or as a member of any fact-finding committee relating thereto may be appointed as a member of the Tribunal.

Article 7
Nationality of Arbitrators

(1) The majority of the arbitrators shall be nationals of States other than the State party to the dispute and of the State whose national is a party to the dispute, unless the sole arbitrator or each individual member of the Tribunal is appointed by agreement of the parties. Where the Tribunal is to consist of three members, a national of either of these States may not be appointed as an arbitrator by a party without the agreement of the other party to the dispute. Where the Tribunal is to consist of five or more members, nationals of either of these States may not be appointed as arbitrators by a party if appointment by the other party of the same number of arbitrators of either of these nationalities would result in a majority of arbitrators of these nationalities.

(2) Arbitrators appointed by the Chairman shall not be nationals of the State party to the dispute or of the State whose national is a party to the dispute.

Article 8
Qualifications of Arbitrators

Arbitrators shall be persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the fields of law, commerce, industry or finance, who may be relied upon to exercise independent judgment.

Article 9
Method of Constituting the Tribunal in the Absence
of Agreement Between the Parties

(1) If the parties have not agreed upon the number of arbitrators and the method of their appointment within 60 days after the registration of the request, the Secretary-General shall, upon the request of either party promptly inform the parties that the Tribunal is to be constituted in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) either party shall, in a communication to the other party:

(i) name two persons, identifying one of them, who shall not have the same nationality as nor be a national of either party, as the arbitrator appointed by it, and the other as the arbitrator proposed to be the President of the Tribunal; and

(ii) invite the other party to concur in the appointment of the arbitrator proposed to be the President of the Tribunal and to appoint another arbitrator;

(b) promptly upon receipt of this communication the other party shall, in its reply:

(i) name a person as the arbitrator appointed by it, who shall not have the same nationality as nor be a national of either party; and

(ii) concur in the appointment of the arbitrator proposed to be the President of the Tribunal or name another person as the arbitrator proposed to be President; and

(c) promptly upon receipt of the reply containing such a proposal, the initiating party shall notify the other party whether it concurs in the appointment of the arbitrator proposed by that party to be the President of the Tribunal.

(2) The communications provided for in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be made or promptly confirmed in writing and shall either be transmitted through the Secretary-General or directly between the parties with a copy to the Secretary-General.

Article 10
Appointment of Arbitrators and Designation of President of
Tribunal by the Chairman of the Administrative Council

(1) Promptly upon receipt of a request by a party to the Chairman to make an appointment or designation pursuant to Article 6(4) of these Rules, the Secretary-General shall send a copy thereof to the other party.

(2) The Chairman shall use his best efforts to comply with that request within 30 days after its receipt. Before he proceeds to make appointments or a designation, he shall consult both parties as far as possible.

(3) The Secretary-General shall promptly notify the parties of any appointment or designation made by the Chairman.

Article 11
Acceptance of Appointments

(1) The party or parties concerned shall notify the Secretary-General of the appointment of each arbitrator and indicate the method of his appointment.

(2) As soon as the Secretary-General has been informed by a party or the Chairman of the appointment of an arbitrator, he shall seek an acceptance from the appointee.

(3) If an arbitrator fails to accept his appointment within 15 days, the Secretary-General shall promptly notify the parties, and if appropriate the Chairman, and invite them to proceed to the appointment of another arbitrator in accordance with the method followed for the previous appointment.

Article 12
Replacement of Arbitrators prior to Constitution of the Tribunal

At any time before the Tribunal is constituted, each party may replace any arbitrator appointed by it and the parties may by common consent agree to replace any arbitrator.

Article 13
Constitution of the Tribunal

(1) The Tribunal shall be deemed to be constituted and the proceeding to have begun on the date the Secretary-General notifies the parties that all the arbitrators have accepted their appointment.

(2) Before or at the first session of the Tribunal, each arbitrator shall sign a declaration in the following form:

To the best of my knowledge there is no reason why I should not serve on the Arbitral Tribunal constituted with respect to a dispute between ______________________ and ____________________.

“I shall keep confidential all information coming to my knowledge as a result of my participation in this proceeding, as well as the contents of any award made by the Tribunal.

“I shall judge fairly as between the parties and shall not accept any instruction or compensation with regard to the proceeding from any source except as provided in the Administrative and Financial Regulations of the Centre.

“Attached is a statement of (a) my past and present professional, business and other relationships (if any) with the parties and (b) any other circumstance that might cause my reliability for independent judgment to be questioned by a party. I acknowledge that by signing this declaration, I assume a continuing obligation promptly to notify the Secretary-General of the Centre of any such relationship or circumstance that subsequently arises during this proceeding.”

Any arbitrator failing to sign such a declaration by the end of the first session of the Tribunal shall be deemed to have resigned.

Article 14
Replacement of Arbitrators after Constitution of the Tribunal

(1) After a Tribunal has been constituted and proceedings have begun, its composition shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that if an arbitrator should die, become incapacitated, resign or be disqualified, the resulting vacancy shall be filled as provided in this Article and Article 17 of these Rules.

(2) If an arbitrator becomes incapacitated or unable to perform the duties of his office, the procedure in respect of the disqualification of arbitrators set forth in Article 15 shall apply.

(3) An arbitrator may resign by submitting his resignation to the other members of the Tribunal and the Secretary-General. If the arbitrator was appointed by one of the parties, the Tribunal shall promptly consider the reasons for his resignation and decide whether it consents thereto. The Tribunal shall promptly notify the Secretary-General of its decision.

Article 15
Disqualification of Arbitrators

(1) A party may propose to a Tribunal the disqualification of any of its members on account of any fact indicating a manifest lack of the qualities required by Article 8 of these Rules, or on the ground that he was ineligible for appointment to the Tribunal under Article 7 of these Rules.

(2) A party proposing the disqualification of an arbitrator shall promptly, and in any event before the proceeding is declared closed, file its proposal with the Secretary-General, stating its reasons therefor.

(3) The Secretary-General shall forthwith:

(a) transmit the proposal to the members of the Tribunal and, if it relates to a sole arbitrator or to a majority of the members of the Tribunal, to the Chairman; and

(b) notify the other party of the proposal.

(4) The arbitrator to whom the proposal relates may, without delay, furnish explanations to the Tribunal or the Chairman, as the case may be.

(5) The decision on any proposal to disqualify an arbitrator shall be taken by the other members of the Tribunal except that where those members are equally divided, or in the case of a proposal to disqualify a sole arbitrator, or a majority of the arbitrators, the Chairman shall take that decision.

(6) Whenever the Chairman has to decide on a proposal to disqualify an arbitrator, he shall use his best efforts to take that decision within 30 days after he has received the proposal.

(7) The proceeding shall be suspended until a decision has been taken on the proposal.

Article 16
Procedure during a Vacancy on the Tribunal

(1) The Secretary-General shall forthwith notify the parties and, if necessary, the Chairman of the disqualification, death, incapacity or resignation of an arbitrator and of the consent, if any, of the Tribunal to a resignation.

(2) Upon the notification by the Secretary-General of a vacancy on the Tribunal, the proceeding shall be or remain suspended until the vacancy has been filled.

Article 17
Filling Vacancies on the Tribunal

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this Article, a vacancy resulting from the disqualification, death, incapacity or resignation of an arbitrator shall be promptly filled by the same method by which his appointment had been made.

(2) In addition to filling vacancies relating to arbitrators appointed by him, the Chairman shall:

(a) fill a vacancy caused by the resignation, without the consent of the Tribunal, of an arbitrator appointed by a party; or

(b) at the request of either party, fill any other vacancy, if no new appointment is made and accepted within 45 days of the notification of the vacancy by the Secretary-General.

(3) In filling a vacancy the party or the Chairman, as the case may be, shall observe the provisions of these Rules with respect to the appointment of arbitrators. Article 13(2) of these Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the newly appointed arbitrator.

Article 18
Resumption of Proceeding after Filling a Vacancy

As soon as a vacancy on the Tribunal has been filled, the proceeding shall continue from the point it had reached at the time the vacancy occurred. The newly appointed arbitrator may, however, require that the oral procedure be recommenced, if this had already been started.

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